EasyMage™ is an application which will help you manage your large amounts of multimedia documents (pictures, movies and sounds).
EasyMage™ needs the following configuration, at least :
• any Macintosh™ with a 68020 Micro-Processor (or better),
• 8 MB of memory (4 MB used by EasyMage™),
• System 7.0 or upper,
• QuickTime™ 1.5 or upper.
NB : EasyMage™ runs native on any PowerMacintosh™.
Installation :
Once you have uncompacted the archive, there is nothing else to do to install EasyMage™.
You certainly noted that 6 documents (having all a name ending with ‘translator’) were installed in the same folder as the EasyMage™ application. Each translator allows EasyMage™ to read documents of some precise kind (like Pictures, QuickTime™ movies, sounds,…).
In addition to this, EasyMage™ is able to use ‘Claris XTND system’ translators (which are provided with MacWrite Pro and ClarisWorks, and other commercial packages) if this system was installed in your system folder. This allows EasyMage™ to read new image formats (like MacPaint, TIFF, EPSF,…)
Shareware :
EasyMage™ is a shareware. This means that :
• you may freely distribute it (this is even strongly recommended), as long as you distribute the original archive (complete and unmodified). It may be uploaded on any BBS as long as there is no additional charge for its download (other than communication charges and the usual fee for accessing the BBS). However, EasyMage™ may not be incorporated into any commercial package without its authors’ explicit authorization, otherwise the authors would take legal proceedings against the offending party.
• you have to be licensed for using it. The License cost is US$ 50, allowing you to use ONE copy of EasyMage™.
When you have paid for this license (see the ‘Customize…’ button in the dialog box showing at EasyMage™ launch), you will receive a personal code allowing you to use EasyMage™ after the 30-days trial time.
The ‘Form…’ button in the dialog box showing at EasyMage™ launch allows you to print a registration-order form which you should send the authors with the US$ 50-fee (*).
This fee is to be paid in cash. Please do not send cheques, because it would cost us much to pay in !
Limitation of Liability :
Under no circumstances shall EasyMage™ authors be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential damages that result from the use or the inability to use the EasyMage™ software or related documentation.
Release Notes :
1.0.3 & F-1.0.3 (may 1996)
These releases support the new following features :
- a new JPEG translator allowing support for JPEG pictures. This translator is based in part upon the JPEG V6 library from the “Independant JPEG Group”.
- catalogs export to tab-delimited text files, which format is readable by most spreadsheet applications.
Moreover, few “cosmetic” problems were fixed with these releases.
1.0.2 & F-1.0.2 (december 1995)
These releases fix the following problem :
- on PowerMacintosh, some users having Claris XTND System could not have it work with EasyMage™, because they were told that the “XTND Power Enabler” extension could not be found. This extension was available with SOME Claris products (Mac Write Pro for PowerMacintosh), but not with ALL of them. Now EasyMage™ does not need this extension anymore.
In addition to this fix, the authors' emails in the 'About EasyMage™ dialog box' were changed to match their new ones.
1.0.1 (september 1995)
This US release fixes a bug related to the popup menu behavior in the preferences dialog box (the popup menu was not sensitive to a click in its rightmost part).
F-1.0.1 (september 1995)
This release fixes the following problems :
- an incomptability that appeared with system 7.5.2 (new Display Manager) prevented EasyMage™ (when run on a PowerMacintosh) from loading its Moov, PICT and StartupScreen translators.
- bomb after registration form printing with some printer device drivers.
1.0 (march 1995)
First US release of EasyMage™. Features are the same as french version. All stuff (including documentation) translated.
F-1.0 (january 1995)
First release of EasyMage™ (French release). The original archive contains the EasyMage™ application, full documentation, and 5 translators.
Known problems (EasyMage™ 1.0.3) :
1) If you have an accelerated Apple 8•24 GC Rev. A Video-Board, you may experiment color problems in millions of colors, while scrolling an image inside a window. This bug was isolated and reported to Apple’s DTS (that bug was fixed in Rev. B board).
2) Some RasterOps Video-Boards (like 364P, PaintBoard LI) will freeze your Macintosh if you try to horizontally scroll an image, while in full-screen mode. That bug was isolated and reported to RasterOps.
3) If you use the NowMenus extension, some keyboard equivalents may not appear as they should (for instance, the command-: will display command-.). In such case, you should setup NowMenus so that it does not activate with EasyMage™.
Contact the authors :
Jean-François POILPRET
Mailing address : 145, avenue de Choisy F-75013 Paris FRANCE
Internet : jeff@calvanet.calvacom.fr
CompuServe : 100023,1034
Mailing address : 53, avenue des Ternes F-75017 Paris FRANCE
Internet : marcet@calvanet.calvacom.fr
CompuServe : 100334,1642
EasyMage™ is a Trade Mark of Marc BESSIERE and Jean-François POILPRET.